Mark is an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Specialist. Mark has been at Fitness Forum since 2022. In 2010, at the young age of 14, Mark learned that he had a passion for fitness and exercise. Set on enlisting in the military after graduation, he began his journey with Cross Country, Track, and Swimming at Tippecanoe Valley High School. He spent a lot of his free time lifting weights and doing various outdoor activities. In 2014, he enlisted in the Marine Corps and served 5 years. He received his Personal training Certification to help younger generations achieve their goals and get them started on a track that takes many years to understand. Currently working as an Emergency Medical technician and in Nursing School at Western Governors University, Mark brings a deep understanding of free weights, body building, and powerlifting. He began Fitness Forum’s 500 and 1000lb powerlifting clubs. He loves sharing information and knowledge about the fitness industry and helping others as much as he can!